Safe, Efficient, Reliable, Compliant

Board of Directors Agenda Meeting 02/17/14

Posted by adminBVWD Filed Under Agenda
  1. 9:00 AM - Roll Call
  2. 9:05 AM - Approval of Minutes for January 20, 2015
  3. 9:15 AM - Public Comment – Public Comments on Items Not Appearing on Agenda
  4. 9:25 AM - Correspondence
  5. 9:35 AM - OfficeManager‐FinancialReport
    1. P&LandBalanceSheetReports‐DiscussionandPossibleActionItem
    2. AccountsPayableReport‐DiscussionandPossibleActionItem
    3. A/R&AgingReports‐DiscussionandPossibleActionItem
  6. 10:10 AM - A/R&AgingReports‐DiscussionandPossibleActionItem
  7. 10:30 AM - 2013‐14WaterBalance–Update‐DiscussionandPossibleActionItem
  8. 10:45 AM - Prop218PublicHearing‐March29,2014
    1. ReviewDraftAgenda‐Discussion
    2. ReviewPotentialRatepayerQuestions‐Discussion
  9. 11:15 AM - BV381–122BearValleyRoad–RequestforTemporaryRelief
  10. 11:30 AM - BoardMemberReports&Comments
  11. 11:45 AM - Adjournment

NOTICE: PursuanttoGovernmentCode§594954.3(a),anymemberofthepublicshallbeprovidedwiththe opportunitytodirectlyaddresstheBearValleyWaterDistrictBoardofDirectorsconcerninganyitemthathas beendescribedinthenoticeforthemeetingbeforeorduringconsiderationofthatitem.Nootherbusiness shallbeconsideredatthesemeetingsbythelegislativebody.Noactioncanbetakenonitemsnotappearing ontheagenda.

MaterialsrelatedtoanyitemonthisAgendaareavailableforpublicinspectionintheDistrictOfficeat441CreeksideDrive, BearValley,CA95223duringnormalbusinesshours. Informationonmaterialsin theagendaisalsoavailableon theBear ValleyWaterDistrictwebsiteat,subjecttostaff’sabilitytopostthedocumentsbeforethe meeting.

Any material provided to the legislative body at the meeting by agency staff or a member of the legislative body will be availableatthepublicmeeting,documentsprovidedbyotherswillbeavailablerightafterthemeeting.

This agenda shall be made available upon request in alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the AmericanswithDisabilitiesActof1990(42USC,#12132)andtheRalphM.BrownAct,CAGovernmentCode#54954.2.

Any persons requesting a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact Judi Silber at 209‐753‐2112, during regular business hours, at least 72 hours prior to the meetings. All regular meetingsareheldonthethirdMondayofthemonthat9:00A.M.


Board of Directors Agenda Meeting 02/17/14
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